As a transplant from Raleigh, NC to Los Angeles and now living nomadically, I have learned that there is always the comfort of home in one place: The Kitchen! From making brownies in my Easy Bake Oven to handcrafting french pastries at an upscale restaurant in downtown L.A., I'm ready to share my experiences. Comfort food is my safe haven and I believe it comes from so many different places. It comes from food you grew up eating at home, the restaurant where you can't wait to have brunch, and even the food truck outside your job. I love to share these moments of comfort with my friends and family. I am grateful to be able to have led a variety of kitchens and food spaces that gave me the structure to encourage and advocate for change in our community!
Sweet Comfort Cares
I am the Executive Director and a proud Founding Co-Member of the Queer Food Foundation. The Queer Food Foundation’s mission is to promote, protect, fund, and create queer food spaces; to acknowledge, celebrate, and honor queer food workers and chefs. You can learn more about us and support here!
I love to look for fun and educational materials for the young kids in my family. I have found it difficult to find books of different reading levels with characters that looks like them. I recognized that if I am going to a local bookstore with this problem, I am sure public schools and libraries are having the same. Brown Books for Brown Kids is an initiative I started to help contribute to inclusive literacy. 10% of proceeds from my online shop will go towards funding books with characters of color and different languages to local schools and libraries.
During the summer of 2020, the whole world voiced their rage due to the senseless killings of Black people. I wanted to find a way to reach out to my community that would uplift and encourage during these times. Tasty Tutelage is a mutual aid where donations are accepted and we provide private online classes AND groceries to our scholarship recipients. The scholarship is open to all with a prioritization to Queer identifying Black folks.